I’ve always had a fascination with the doctrinal studies of the Bible. Even as middle-schooler, I would copy the dispensational charts found in Larkin’s books. This desire led to me going to Bible Institute as a teenager at the Word for the World Bible Institute where my dad was a teacher, and when I found myself in Papua New Guinea as an eighteen-year-old I jumped in with both feet into teaching and preaching God’s word.

God used the distance from America and some of the emotional struggles of that time in my life to take my intellectual fascination with God’s book, and turn it into a love for His words. I grew close to the Lord in PNG and it set me on a course of faithfulness ever since. I came back to the States and graduated from my church’s three-year Bible Institute in 2003, and then acquired a secular degree in 2007.

I have been privileged to serve in the following ways:

  • Preaching and teaching in schools, on the street, in churches, villages, rescue missions, nursing homes and Sunday School classes.
  • Translation work and writing educational material in Melanesian Pigin.
  • Writing five books, all published by DayStar publishing.
  • Serving as a Bible Institute Instructor teaching: Revelation, Galatians through Colossians, Manuscript Evidence, and Heroes of the Faith.

The Lord has given me a wonderful wife and five great kids. Together, one of our greatest desires in life is for our own children is to walk in truth and taste and see that the Lord is good.

God is so good, and I am thankful and blessed to be given many opportunities and a life to serve the One who loved me and gave Himself for me.

Just For Fun

Favorite Color – Orange

Favorite Snack – Plain Milk Chocolate

MBTI Personality Type – ESFJ

Hobbies – Basketball, Nerdy Board Games, Weight Lifting & Fitness

Salvation Testimony

I was blessed to be raised in a loving, Christian home and trusted Christ at the age of six years old. I do not deserve the charmed life that I have been afforded as a second-generation Christian, but I am very thankful.

I was three years old, and my parents were quickly heading towards a divorce when my mom was saved. My zealous mother made a deal with Dad: if he came to church she’d quit smoking. This led to his salvation, their lives were forever changed, and the generational chains of Satan’s power in my family were forever broken.

I am grateful that my spiritual growth didn’t end at salvation. I was raised in home where the things of God were given top priority and the seed of God’s word was given fertile ground in my young heart.


Bachelor in Divinity – TVBBI

Bachelor in Business Administration, Human Resource Management – American Intercontinental University


I feel grateful that I grew up in a home that taught the Bible and that God’s word is the final authority in everything about life. When I graduated from High School  I went to Massillon Baptist College but then changed my studies from Music to Biblical Counseling and finished my studies online.  Around that time, when I met Rick he wasn’t just in Bible Institute, he was passionate about the Bible and it is still the thing we most enjoy discussing and learning about.  

While it seemed that God put PNG in our hearts years ago, God kept us as laypeople.  So we remained faithful at our church and served however we could. Rick encouraged me in producing music, being an author and counseling young women online.

I focused on pleasing God by fulfilling Titus 2:3-5 & Matt. 26:19-20. 1) loving and obeying my husband, 2) loving and training our children, 3) being a keeper at home, 4) a teacher of good things to younger women and 5) a soul winner & discipler.

I have enjoyed our marriage, children and being a homemaker.  Mine has been a gentle, peaceful life.

Just For Fun

Favorite Color – Light Sky Blue

Favorite Snack – Beef Jerky (Plain or Peppered)

MBTI Personality Type – ENFJ

Hobbies – Walking, Learning, Deep Conversations, Graphic Design & Music


My father was a pastor and I grew up in church. When I was four after an evening service, I remember asking my parents about salvation. I received Christ as my Savior in our home that night.

I have not doubted my salvation since then, but as an adult I have dug deeply into apologetics to confirm the facts behind God’s word being truth.

Seeing God’s hand in my life through my youth and seeing the proofs of His word have been anchors in my faith and walk with God.


Masters Degree in Biblical Counseling – Genesee Valley Baptist Institute & Seminary



Kiera is living in Idaho and will be marrying Jeremiah in 2025

Favorite Snack – Fruity Drinks

MBTI Personality Type –  ENTJ

Hobbies – Getting out and enjoying new experiences


Favorite Color – Blue

Favorite Snack – Cotton Candy

MBTI Personality Type – ESFP

Hobbies – Music, Roller Skating, Laughing with Friends

Education Goals – Hearing Instrument Specialist


Favorite Color – Blush Pink

Favorite Snack – Hershey’s Dark or Milk Chocolate (no nuts)

MBTI Personality Type – ISTP

Hobbies – Piano, Reading, Drawing & Friends

Education Goals – Certified Payroll Specialist


Favorite Color - Orange

Favorite Snack - Trolli Peach Rings

MBTI Personality Type - ISTJ

Hobbies - Basketball, Board Games, Learning Fun Facts


Favorite Color - Blue / Green

Favorite Snack -Trolli Sour Gummi Worms

MBTI Personality Type - ENFP

Hobbies - Roblox, Playing Games with Friends

If you have any questions, or would just like to get to know a little more about our ministry feel free to contact us.

Have a great day!