
Motorhome is running great, God’s people are great, and we are at 20%+ support.

Prayer Requests:

That we can be a special blessing to the Maine churches.

Pinball Deputation

“The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.”

Psalm 121:8

We were in several states in September: Michigan, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, and we ended the month in Connecticut. Our second full month of deputation was very full, even including a ladies meeting where Melissa and the girls sang several times over a day and a half. I joked that I was a good “househusband” and that I was “created to be her help meet” as she was singing all day and I was the one doing the laundry for a change. I am just glad that all the clothes maintained their original color.

In Connecticut I was blessed to be able to go on visitation with the church and see one soul saved. That same church voted to take us on for support Sunday morning. It was heart-warming to hear them refer to us directly as their missionaries and say “we adopted these missionaries.” It was a reminder that we are not merely an extension of our sending church, but every other church that supports us prayerfully and financially. It is privilege and a big responsibility.

Overcoming Sicknesses and “Irv’s” Problems

Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.”

Psalm 55:22

We dealt with some sicknesses, nothing serious, but we are learning as we go along and are reminded of the need to eat reasonably healthy food and getting rest when we can. God is good and we are learning! Also, our motorhome had a couple problems but we got help and it is running great again. It’s a 2001 with very low mileage, but with some of the parts being old there have been some issues. The last mechanic I spoke to said he thought the engine had been recently rebuilt because of how good a shape it is in, so I am optimistic about it going forward. Also, the kids have named it “Irv” – a take off of “RV.”

Looking Forward / Bible Thought: Hold to the Last

“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Galatians 6:9

We are in Maine for the majority of October, and being here reminds me of a moment from history from one of my childhood heroes: Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain of the 20th Maine regiment. At Gettysburg he was told he was the end of the Union line and it was absolutely necessary for him to “hold to the last.” No clarification about what that meant, just “hold to the last.” My heart goes out to the churches in Maine as they were hit hard during COVID in a state that is already very resistant to Christianity or even any religion in general. I am glad God directed our steps to this state as they do not get a lot of missionaries. Please pray that we can be an encouragement to these folks at the end of the line, geographically, of the United States.

Thank you for your prayer and kindness,

Rick Schworer