![August 2024 (1)](https://dispellingdarknesspng.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/August-2024-1.png)
Many meetings scheduled and all the churches we’ve visited have been so kind!
Kiera is engaged!
Prayer Requests:
Safety on the road and that we can be a blessing wherever we go.
Full-Time Deputation!
“For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:” Ephesians 4:12
God has blessed us with so many meetings booked that we were able to start full time deputation two weeks earlier than anticipated! It feels as if the doldrums and quagmire of COVID are finally going away and people are excited about missions. I have had pastors watch our video and reach out to me to ask if we can come to their church. Not because our video is super amazing, but because their church is excited to see more opportunities open up again for missions.
I’ve also been so personally blessed by the kindness of brothers and sisters in Christ at different churches. I can tell you this: you are not alone. There are a lot of really good Christians out there that have not bowed the knee to Baal!
Hubcaps and Daughter Stolen.
“Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it: if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would utterly be contemned.” Song of Solomon 8:7
Someone stole our hubcaps! How do I know this? Because they’re gone all of sudden!
OH! And our oldest daughter Kiera is now engaged! Kiera and Jeremiah have been writing each other for over two years now, and though they are both young am I very impressed by their character, maturity, and spiritual dedication and couldn’t be more happy for them. So, she will not be going to Papua New Guinea with us.
Bible Thought: Living by Faith.
“(For we walk by faith, not by sight:)” II Corinthians 5:7
Last month’s Bible Thought was on seeking God’s providential hand. This one is living by faith. What’s the difference? Very similar I suppose, but it seems to me that God’s providential hand leads you to where you need to be, but living by faith is the day-by-day living and dwelling in His revealed will. It is seeing Him deliver, time and time again, after you’ve taken that step in following His direction.
I didn’t know how it was all going to work out, but I knew God wanted us to move to Pennsylvania to start deputation. I knew I could only have my job for so long, and try as I might nothing out there replaced it – other than full time deputation. By the grace of God we are booked almost all the way to Thanksgiving, February is filled, and we have other meetings still pending. God is taking good care of us!
Thank you all so much for your prayers, kind words, and encouragement.
Rick Schworer
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